The Desktop is right again!

Nathan England nathan at
Wed Apr 20 09:48:54 MST 2016

I have been a KDE fan since the early days of 1.0. I have stuck with it 
through the ups and downs and loved it when others hated it, and rallied 
for it when people were jumping to Gnome or something else.

A couple of years ago I switched full time to Xfce with a full KDE SC 
install so I could use all the apps I love and just not have to deal 
with the horrible Plasma desktop shell. I really do like everything 
about theory. It looks great, and on a single screen it 
works great! But on a workstation with 3 or more monitors it really 
comes apart at its seems.

But no more! I heard of TDE several years ago, but never looked into it. 
Yesterday, I setup the repo for my Fedora 22 and Fedora 23 machines and 
installed the full Trinity suite. I gotta say, KDE 3 *never* worked this 
well. I setup shortcuts to many of my preferred KDE 5 apps like Dolphin 
and everything is right with the desktop again!

Nathan England
nengland at
Web Developer, Lamp Administrator

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