ot - boric acid and cockroaches

Michael Havens bmike1 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 09:03:54 MST 2015

they're cyber-roaches!

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Keith Smith <techlists at phpcoderusa.com>

> Are these Linux Roaches?
> On 2015-06-04 07:21, Michael Havens wrote:
>> when I was 19 and living and phoenix I was told that to kill
>> cockroaches spread boric acid  on the kitchen floor and the
>> cockroaches would run over it and die. He went on to explain that they
>> breathe through follicles on their abdomen and that the acid
>> suffocates them. So I did it that night and the next morning there
>> were dead cockroaches all over the floor. Fast forward to today
>> (twenty-ish years later) and all the information I read says they lick
>> it off their legs and die.... and that it takes days to work. Huh?
>> What is the right way? Both ways?
>> --
>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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> Keith Smith
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