O/T : Looking for an entry level LAMP developer for contract work.

Michael Butash michael at butash.net
Wed Jul 22 17:46:32 MST 2015

On 07/22/2015 01:55 PM, Keith Smith wrote:
> City of Chandler PD is looking for 2 LAMP developers and apparently 
> are not getting a very good response either.   This is a great job 
> from what I can tell.  $70,000 or so with lots of holidays, vacation, 
> sick leave, and the best part is state retirement.
> There must be a LAMP shortage hu?
I think people probably just learn to apply developer skills to more 
lucrative technologies that pay better.  If they can admin the 
Linux+Apache+Mysql of the lamp stack, they're probably qualified enough 
to get paid better as a sysadmin, and apply that development to automation.

Seems most website management these days is more about knowing a cms and 
how to modify it, who actually crafts an entire site from scratch 
anymore to write the actual php?  Maybe make the role more specific to 
what you need (php, css, whatever cms you're using) and encourage 
teaching them linux as a plus.  Maybe find some asp or .net dev that 
wants to rehab their lives.


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