backup software?

der.hans PLUGd at
Fri Jul 17 12:50:02 MST 2015

Am 17. Jul, 2015 schwätzte Stephen Partington so:

> I am not sure that this would work for you, But i was rather fond if it as
> they essentially use rsync and then expand it across multiple platforms.

Haven't used amanda for years. Keep forgetting about that. Now that I
remember, it's time to schedule some more therapy... :).

Actually, amanda was fine, but it's been a decade since I used it.

It does rsnapshot style backups now?

Hmm, didn't know amanda is part of carbonite. Interesting. Also didn't
know that carbonite supports HIPPA compliance.

> rsbackup is another one i thought was pretty slick.

I will have to look at that one (again?). Ah, yes, it's in /etc/, so I
looked at it at some point.


#  "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."
#  -- Albert Einstein

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