WIndow motor

Michael Butash michael at
Wed Apr 22 23:14:27 MST 2015

Look at zwave, insteon, or any of the home-ish automation protocols.

Monoprice has these that plug into some standard motorized curtain 
units, not sure what those units are, but I thought to hunt them down at 
some point.  They just whitebox the chinese bits without a middleman.

I use a little vera now to control my insteon and zwave stuff.


On 04/22/2015 10:18 PM, Stephen M wrote:
> This is not the WIndows OS just your average window.  My father is
> looking for a switch to put into his mobile home to lower the shades.
> He was looking at some kits but told me they are in the hundreds.  I
> know this is something strange to ask the group but I seem to always
> ask some strange things.
> Does anyone a good setup that could be used to lower the shades?  He's
> not looking for something big because the windows aren't that large.
> Plus he is not really looking to run wires but I wanted to see what I
> could help him with.  A Pie would be interesting to see but that still
> leaves the motor.
> Any thoughts?

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