Using Bind on local dev box

techlists at techlists at
Tue Jun 10 10:38:08 MST 2014

I'm configuring a dev box and was wondering if I should use bind and if 
there is any issues I should be aware of like security.

The box lives on a private IP behind a router connected to the internet. 
It will have no ports forwarded.  This is home office so no fancy 
routers or anything like that.  Currently I name all my development 
vhosts with the tld of .dev.  Then I place the ip and domain in my hosts 
file on my linux and win box.  I was thinking running bind might make 
this a bit easier.... maybe.  I'm guessing though that I would need to 
tell my local boxes that they should look at the local bind 

Any thought?  Thank you in advance!!


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