Cheap Dell Laptops

Matt Graham mhgraham at
Fri Jul 18 10:45:16 MST 2014

On 2014-07-18 10:09, Jim March wrote:
> ...we see that surpprisingly, it HAS the Intel "VTx" hardware 
> virtualization
> Upshot: you could do real work with that puppy, with a modern Linux
> distro and even light virtualization

The price is pretty good.  I'd like to see some manufacturers offer 
screens that are taller than 768 pixels without an insane price premium. 
And for someone other than IBM/Lenovo to offer machines with 
trackpoints.  I'm sure these things won't happen.

(No wired Ethernet, no trackpoint, and no DVD-R* drive would mean I 
wouldn't ever buy a machine like this, though.)

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