Hackfest @ DeVry today - Rasberry PI as Flag Prize

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Sat Feb 8 14:43:00 MST 2014

Ed Knapp won the Rasberry PI with HDMI and media disk!

He won it by hacking the WPA2 to get the password.

Congratulations Ed!

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold at obnosis.com>wrote:

> We have a Rasberry Pi flag prize today at the Phoenix Linux User Group
> Hackfest @ DeVry on Dunlap in Phoenix.
> Need a small circuit board you can install Backtrack5r3 or Kali Linux on?
>  Plugs in everywhere you would never expect a computer?
> Check us out:  http://it-clowns.com/c/index.php/hackfests/February
> --
> (503) 754-4452 Android
> (623) 239-3392 Skype
> (623) 688-3392 Google Voice
> **
> it-clowns.com <http://it-clowns.com/c/>
> Chief Clown


(503) 754-4452 Android
(623) 239-3392 Skype
(623) 688-3392 Google Voice
it-clowns.com <http://it-clowns.com/c/>
Chief Clown
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