Mint boot problems

Michael Butash michael at
Mon Dec 29 15:58:55 MST 2014

On 12/29/2014 02:09 PM, Matt Graham wrote:
> On 2014-12-29 13:26, Michael Butash wrote:
>> I have/had a weird issue like this using lmde with mate, where
>> recently my trackpad would stop working on me after about a minute
>> into using the desktop from lightdm login manager.  I tried fiddling
>> with the trackpad settings, seemed something related to the desktop
>> is "turning it off", but I've no idea what, and see no dmesg/syslog
>> output occur when it does.
> Something somewhere might be doing the equivalent of "synclient 
> TouchpadOff=1".  Just running synclient should show you a whole bunch 
> of data about the touchpad settings.  (I generally run that on my 
> laptop, as I have a Trackpoint, which means the touchpad is completely 
> superfluous.)
I seem to remember checking synclient, as I'd had to muck around with it 
prior to work on sensitivity to those new bastard style touchpads built 
for windoze.  If kde annoys me, I'll check that again though, thanks Matt.
>> Quick fix was moving to kde, as cinnamon already proved far too buggy
>> for use, and apparently so is mate as that was the final straw. I
>> migrated from mate to kde on my desktop as well as mate provided all
>> sorts of new and not-so-interesting bugs there as well.
> I do not know why so many desktop environments have become such piles 
> of useless junk in the last few years.  At least the KDE people 
> learned from the problems with the 3.5->4.0 thing, and have not 
> repeated those silly blunders yet.
Agreed here, they all went to hell when they felt the need to emulate 
osx with compositing against incessantly crappy gpu drivers.  The only 
way to make any desktop stable seems to be to disable the gpu.  Cinnamon 
would get this nasty flickering effect and scramble the desktop oddly 
when unlocking the workstation, which seemed like a vsync issue at a 
desktop level.

Bad enough fighting my amd card in the desktop with my mega display, now 
the useless laptop gpu's are taxed just by trying to use a standard 2d 
desktop thanks to intel simply putting them in the proc by default and 
the desire to make wobbly windows ubiquitous.  Ugh.

If only the gpu vendors would quit hiding their hardware secrets behind 
crappy binary driver, the community would probably fix them just to 
regain some sanity and move on.  Intel should just do the world a favor 
and stop making gpu's.


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