NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION: Free/Open Source Software Stammtisch on Tues (12/16)

Brian Cluff brian at
Sun Dec 14 16:41:47 MST 2014

On 12/14/2014 03:32 PM, Matt Graham wrote:
> Or the PLUG people weren't spending enough money to suit the new owner.
> Some of us are kind of frugal :-)

I don't believe that was the case.  They pulled me aside and told me 
that we had only spent $215 and we needed $300 minimum to reserve the 
room, but a quick total of the people that told me how much they are 
spent quickly added up to at least 300 and it didn't even count the 
majority of people whos totals I didn't get.
I'm guessing they either didn't add it up correctly/completely, weren't 
counting drinks, or they meant $300 worth of profit.
In any case, we can't have that dollar amount holding over our heads 
every month.  Most months we would have no problem meeting it, but every 
once in a while people don't show up for any number of reasons.

But, I agree.  I feel they killed the goose that laid the golden egg. 
If we were treated right, we would have worked with them to solve any 
problems and continued to show up there for years and years on a Tuesday 
which will probably always be a low income day for them.

Even at the end of the day, if we could reliably meet the minimum; the 
bottom line is that the new conference room is an echo chamber and 
therefor incredibly loud and therefor unusable for the purposes of a 
stammtisch... and nobody wants to work with them to try and fix their 
problems, and they probably wouldn't welcome it anyway.

Hopefully the new location will be better.  Since it's brand new there 
will be only one way to find out for sure, but we should be in a 
semi-private side room in which we have the capability to turn off the 
overhead music.  It certainly won't be ideal, but an completely ideal 
location is extremely difficult to locate.

Brian Cluff

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