Why have HackFests been Dropped from the PLUG Schedule?

JD Austin jd at twingeckos.com
Tue Dec 2 12:46:07 MST 2014

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 11:23 AM, der.hans <PLUGd at lufthans.com> wrote:

> The issue is that a few people have joined and demanded to become
> dictators telling PLUG what PLUG should do. We don't want a hostile
> takeover. If they want to dictate how a group is organized, then they need
> to create their own group.

​As I've been in the periphery I haven't been aware of this; what exactly
do these new members want changed about how PLUG is organized that you
disagree with?

Most disagreements can be handled procedurally and fairly to prevent
festering situations that tear the organization apart.  It is important to
remember that there is no reason for those people to 'take over PLUG';
there is nothing to keep those individuals from forming their own LUG and
taking any members that agree with their vision with them.. if they end up
being better organized, better promoted, and better funded guess who wins
the most members usually?  This kind of personality war is exactly what
creates such a fork.  In the organizations that I'm active in the
leadership has the club itself vote on every major change that affects
everyone to prevent any one person from becoming a gatekeeper or being
disruptive by continually bringing up the same issue.  That's all I have to
say about the issue :)

-- JD Austin
Voice: 480.269.4335 (480 2MY Geek)
jd at twingeckos.com
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