CentOS 7

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. mailing-lists at phoenixinternet.net
Wed Aug 13 15:29:59 MST 2014

I am playing with CentOS 7 and have been encountering some difficulties. 
I was wondering if anyone else has attempted to use it or is having 

I was able to have the client machine join my Samba 4 windows domain and 
am able to authenticate to it. Yea!

I cannot get ntp to start at statup. I am always having to manually 
start it. I have run "systemctl enable ntpd.service" which I understand 
is the correct command for systemd to have an application start on boot 
(it was "chkconfig ntpd on" utilizing previous versions).
There is the problem of applications... I cannot find a rdp client on 
the distro or epel. I found rdesktop on a repository that I have never 
used before and don't know if I trust.

I am thinking about trying Linux Mint (http://www.linuxmint.com/) or 
kubuntu (http://www.kubuntu.org/). I am trying to see if I can operate 
at my office without Windows. I am very comfortable with CentOS versions 
prior to 7 am trying to stay with CentOS because all of my servers are 
based on one version of CentOS or another. I did not like CentOS 6 as a 
desktop and that is why I was trying 7. Debian based distros have always 
been intimidating since I am used to the package management, service 
calls, and locations of files in CentOS.


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