crypto lock

Bob Holtzman holtzm at
Thu Aug 7 12:43:33 MST 2014

On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 04:19:55AM +0000, Michael Havens wrote:
> Someone said a friend got ransomware on their computer?
> Through a partnership that included researchers from FOX-IT and FireEye,
> researchers managed to recover the private encryption keys that
> CryptoLocker uses to lock victims' personal computer files until they pay a
> $300 ransom. They also reverse engineered the binary code at the heart of
> the malicious program. The result: a website that allows victims to recover
> the key <> for their individual content

Why would they need email addresses? Also, businesses attacked by this
malware would probably be reluctant to send their encrypted files.  

Bob Holtzman
Giant intergalactic brain-sucking hyperbacteria 
came to Earth to rape our women and create a race 
of mindless zombies.  Look!  It's working!
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