Why is odt word count less than text?

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Tue Sep 10 13:45:54 MST 2013

Here is the dir list for the text before, the odt,
and the text after exporting from the odt:

   90601 Sep 10 00:51 soteria.txt -- original
   45851 Sep 10 01:14 soteria.odt -- imported to libre
   90503 Sep 10 01:17 soteria2.txt -- exported from libre

I've uploaded each file here:
http://www.upquick.com/temp/soteria.txt -- before
http://www.upquick.com/temp/soteria2.txt -- after

===== Dazed replied =====
> Not the same results I get so I would have to ask how you
> are doing it with examples and tell us if you are measuring
> all with the same tool. For example, Here are the wc counts
> for a text file I created, imported into Libre Office, then
> saved as an odt and as a doc file and finally re-saved
> as a txt file (the one with the 2 appended.
> larry at hammerhead:~/Documents/Misc$ wc Ed*
>     8   306 19456 Edmund Prescott Thiel.doc
>    80   324 17242 Edmund Prescott Thiel.odt
>    24   168   974 Edmund Prescott Thiel.txt
>    24   168   961 Edmund Prescott Thiel2.txt
>   136   966 38633 total

===== Joe original asked =====
>> Why is it that when I import a text file into libre office
>> and then export the same text as an .odt document, the
>> resulting document has a smaller word count and smaller
>> character count than the original text file has?
>> Then if I save the same .odt document as a .txt file, the
>> resulting .txt file is bigger than the .odt file (actually
>> almost the same size as the original text file).

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