Learn Code Android

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 4 21:27:52 MST 2013

I am not an Android developer, however when looking into it I was thinking the starting place would be the Android SDK :  http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Keith Smith

 From: Trent Shipley <trent_shipley at yahoo.com>
To: "plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org" <plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 4:24 PM
Subject: Learn Code Android

How would you go about learning to program on Android?  I'm interested in developing mobile apps.  The grand plan is to eventually become competent enough to program custom mobile business applications.

I'm tempted to start with HTML 5, CSS 3, and Javascript (The books on Amazon about portable mobile programming tend to start and stop here.)

Then the Android flavor of Java.

Android OS 

Android OS internals

Objective-C or C++.  I'm leaning toward Objective-C first.

Is that reasonable?
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