(Linux ETC: J Hayes) Re: [PLUG](offlist) Need database developers to respond to RFP

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Thu May 16 12:57:58 MST 2013


Do you have a more formal document for the RFP at this time?  Any preference to the database to be used (e.g., MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB) as well as the web UI front end (PHP, Ruby)?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Crawford Rainwater
CEO and President

The Linux ETC Company
10121 Yates Court
Westminster, CO 80031 USA
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----- Original Message -----
> Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 14:16:47 -0700
> From: Jason Hayes <jason at jasonhayes.org>
> To: plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org
> Subject: Need database developers to respond to RFP
> Hey folks,
> I hope this is the correct section of the PLUG list for this type of
> note.
> My office is looking for quotes from database developers. We want to
> determine the cost to develop a database that will hold information
> on new energy technologies. Researchers/industry will submit
> information on their particular technologies via a web-based front
> end. Public (site visitors) will then be able to search the
> information and pull queries from the database and view the results
> online as well.
> I can provide more information and project specifics (and an RFP) to
> those who are interested. Feel free to forward this to non-PLUG
> friends and colleagues.
> One note, our CEO has this first response to an RFP on a short time
> line, so I would like to get some initial ideas about cost and time
> lines by next week if at all possible.
> Thanks
> Jason Hayes
> Contact me off list @ jason at jasonhayes.org / 602-769-3872

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