Arizona Internet Speed Test

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Thu May 9 13:05:32 MST 2013

I got a 1.06 down and .54 up. It sucks up here.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Ed <plug at> wrote:

> PLUG - take the test
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: AZ Telecom and Info Council <info at>
> Date: Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:23 AM
> Subject: Arizona Internet Speed Test
> View this email on the web here. You can also forward to a friend.
> Arizona Telecommunications and Information Coucil
> Digital Arizona Program Internet Speed Test
> Take The Test
> On behalf of the Digital Arizona Program (DAP) ATIC is encouraging you to
> take the Internet Speed test today. DAP created an Internet Speed Test and
> Survey on the Digital Arizona web portal to measure the upload and download
> (connection) speeds at tens of thousands of locations (i.e. homes, offices,
> etc.) around the State. The Speed Test is a simple “click here” web-link
> (commonly used nationwide) with a display indicating connection speeds
> (Mbps) at a particular location and moment in time.
> The combination of data from large quantities of speed tests along with
> answers from the related survey questions will be analyzed by the Digital
> Arizona team to determine potential areas and/or communities that may be
> poorly served. Together with initial device and location type questions,
> after the Speed Test there are some optional questions to help us learn
> about what kind of Internet services folks are using and how those services
> are being used. This will assist us with our goal of facilitating access to
> better high-speed Internet service for ALL Arizonans, especially those
> residing in the rural areas of the State.
> Digital Arizona Program
> The Digital Arizona Project is a federally funded grant program in the
> Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology (ASET) Office of the Arizona
> Department of Administration (ADOA). The program is focused on facilitating
> “better Internet” across Arizona, with better availability and increased
> adoption and use. Better Internet is an amplifier for job creation, better
> K-12 education, advances in Tele-health, and improving economic development
> in Arizona. Increased supply will also help lower Internet costs for
> everyone. We are asking for your assistance in helping us determine the
> current quality of Internet access actually experienced by citizens across
> the state.
> Need For Speed
> High speed Internet is the new essential infrastructure for this century’s
> job creation, educational and healthcare transformation, and economic
> development like highways, railroads, canals, and electricity were for
> previous generations.
> Take The Test Here
> [FYI - the survey is over]
> We invite you to participate in this effort at home, work and anywhere you
> connect to the Internet. For the results to be statistically significant we
> need as many people doing the test in as many locations and on as many
> devices as possible. We hope it goes viral and we very much appreciate your
> participation and distribution of the information and request to utilize it
> among your stakeholder community.
> Contact ATIC
> 602-254-5887
> info at
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