Touch -d forms

Dazed_75 lthielster at
Sat Mar 30 00:54:43 MST 2013

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 4:42 PM, der.hans <PLUGd at> wrote:

> Am 29. Mar, 2013 schwätzte Dazed_75 so:
> moin moin,
>  Looking to change some file dares to 14 hours later than the current file
>> date/time stamps (they are NOT all the same).  I was thinking some form of
>> the -d option would work but nothing I have tried works-
> $ date; touch -d "$( date -d "+14 hours" +%Y%b%d )" /tmp/fred; ls -l
> /tmp/fred Fr 29. Mär 16:57:45 MST 2013
> -rw-r--r-- 1 lufthans lufthans 0 2013-03-30 01:13 /tmp/fred
> The "+14 hours" only works with GNU date, but that's what we get on
> GNU/Linux. BSD date really didn't like it :).
> ciao,
> der.hans

This is close but not quite.  Maybe I could have explained it better.  I
have taken a LOT if video clips here in Thailand.  Unfortunately, the
camera clock was still set for Arizona time until several days into the
trip.  Now that I have fixed that I want to re-timestamp the first 100 or
so to have the timestamp adjusted +14 hours.  Here is what I get from
der.Hans' script:

    larry at sunfish:~/tempwork$ ls -l target; date; touch -d "$( date -d "+14
hours" +%Y%b%d )" target; ls -l target
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 larry larry 0 Mar 24 18:18 target
    Fri Mar 29 23:55:49 MST 2013
    touch: invalid date format `2013Mar30'
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 larry larry 0 Mar 24 18:18 target
    larry at sunfish:~/tempwork$

I can fix the date format I believe, but the target's timestamp should end
up being Mar 25 08:18, not Mar 30 13:55.  The reason I want a script or
compound command to do it is so i don't have to figure out the +14 hours
100+ times and issue 100+ touch commands.

Thanks, I hope I can get the timestamp extracted to a variable and use that
to replace the date command (if I don't fall asleep first :-)


> --
> #**Classes/<>
> #  Free, Libre, and Open Source enthusiasts are collaborators. Maybe we're
> #  involved for slightly different reasons, but in the end, we're all
> #  essentially trying to go the same direction. -- der.hans, 2012Jan25
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Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

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