Watching DVD's on Linux is ILLEGAL in the USA?

Michael Butash michael at
Sat Mar 2 18:28:31 MST 2013

The control freaks in government ARE the cronies of business. 
Especially the media cartels.

As someone that remembers downloading their first mp3 shortly after mp3 
codec was created late 90's, I've simply found their tactics appalling 
to watch happen to current day - dvd decryption being illegal is only 
one example.  The lengths media cartels have gone through to buy 
government to protect and support their failing business models is 
disgusting, only worse are the politicians that let them run rampant. 
Things like watching dvd's being illegal under linux and shutting off 
your internet on a whim are the price you pay for aiding them with 

Stop buying movies/music, and going to movies/concerts to show your 
*support* for dilution of your rights.


On 03/02/2013 06:03 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
> I have no doubt that the control freaks who run the government and their
> cronies in business would argue that using software they don't approve
> of to watch a dvd you bought is illegal.

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