OT: NSA story keeps getting bigger...

Derek Trotter expat.arizonan at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 11:55:34 MST 2013

The two dollar coins are from Canada. Britain uses the pound, so a two 
dollar coin won't be theirs. I've done that with the two dollar bills 
many times.

On 06/07/2013 10:06 PM, Nathan England wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 6/7/2013 9:25 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
>> What I find frustrating is the number of people in retail who
>> can't identify American money.  A couple of days ago I went to a
>> Burger King and paid with some dollar coins and a half dollar.  The
>> girl took them, looked and went to the back presumably to ask what
>> they were or if she could accept them.  Today I went to another
>> place and the guy asked me what the half dollars were.  I told him
>> they're half dollars.  It says so on the back.  Am I unreasonable
>> for thinking people who deal with and accept money from customers
>> should know what that money looks like?
> Absolutely not. If you really want to have a good time, go to a bank
> and ask to buy two dollar bills. Then go try and use them somewhere!!
> I have seen two dollar coins, but I am not sure if there were American
> or british. Ever seen one?
> Nathan
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