OT: NSA story keeps getting bigger...

Nathan England nathan at nmecs.com
Thu Jun 6 22:16:34 MST 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 6/6/2013 9:39 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
> On 06/06/2013 08:16 PM, keith smith wrote:
>> My suggestion is everyone needs to contact their U.S. Senators
>> and their U.S. Congressman or Congresswoman.
>> Unless you like what is going on it is time to vote for someone
>> who will protect our rights.
>> If that does not work run for office.
>> Also we do have another avenue.  That is the Nullification at
>> the state level under the Tenth Amendment to the
>> U.S.Constitution.
> This suggests to me why the B.O. regime wants all this data.  They
> can go through it and use it against their opponents.  Say a
> Republican in a race campaigns on family values.  If the regime
> finds that he's spent a lot of time at ashelymadison.com they can
> use that against him.  I'm thinking of the times in recent years
> that something bad about a Republican got leaked to the media at
> the worst possible time.  If you're going to run for office, make
> sure there's nothing in your past you wouldn't want in all the
> papers the week before the election or be prepared to see it in the
> media.

I have long said that Facebook was designed to encourage people to
post their private personal thoughts, instead making them public,
which would later be used against us for this very same purpose you
have brought up. I don't want my stance against facebook and social
media to become a source of pride, but I'm rather happy today that I
have never created a facebook acount. My public face is limited to a
few linux user groups and some email accounts I give out just for spam

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