Starting Today, It's Illegal to Unlock Your Cellphone

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Sat Jan 26 08:28:28 MST 2013

I know some of you do not agree with my limited government position, however this is what a run away government does.  We pay for our phones with those two year contracts.  Our rates would be lower if they did not "subsidize" our phones.  These phones are our property.

Hold onto your seat.  This is just an example of how a run away government is going to treat it's people.  

This is not freedom, this is bondage.

Th article says in part:

The worst-case scenario for an individual or civil offense could be as 
much as a $2,500 fine. As for those planning to profit off of the act or
 a criminal offense -- such as a cellphone reseller -- the fine could be
 as high as $500,000 and include prison time.



Keith Smith
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