How to eliminate nepomuk, akonadi, and all tagging?

Brian Cluff brian at
Thu Jan 24 17:56:26 MST 2013

On 01/24/2013 05:04 PM, joe at wrote:
 > How can I completely eliminate nepomuk, akonadi,
 > and all tagging and indexing, etc.?

It sounds like you have... it's complaining because it CAN'T talk to 
nepomuk.  The fact is the kde system is compiled against these things, 
you can turn them off, but then the programs are going to complain they 
they they are missing.
I would suggest doing one of the following in descending order:

* Turn on nepomuk and let it finish cataloging your system... it will 
get out of your way if you let it finish and then become a huge asset 
that you won't even notice is running.  If it eats your system, it's 
probably got some bad settings left over from you trying to kill it.
* Try installing the package kubuntu-low-fat-settings, delete all your 
kde settings and then log back in and see if that gives you the desktop 
you are looking for.
* Ignore the errors coming out of STDERR or redirect them to /dev/null
* Switch to a desktop with a less features.
* Recompiling the programs so they aren't linked against nepomuk

As for akonadi, it only does stuff if you've configured it to do stuff. 
  I wouldn't try and kill it, just go into system settings -> personal 
information and then select any configs you have showing and remove 
them.  Of course, akonadi is where many of the plasmoids store their 
configuration/data, so you might break stuff you are using.

 > I like *many* aspects of KDE that do not seem to be available on any 
> environment; however, it seems to force on users many things that are
> intrusive and unwanted nuisances such as the annoying cashew, widgets and
> a continually scrambled panel, and *especially* nepomuk, akonadi, and all
> tagging and indexing.

I haven't seen the panel get scrambled since the very early days of KDE 
4.x  All my system the icons stay exactly where I put them.

Is this system a laptop by chance that you can bring to the next 
stammtisch?  I would love to go though your system and see whats going 
on.  You are getting errors that I haven't even seen in the wild or have 
been fix long ago.

> I have been able to turn off many of the annoying special effects (that
> should be options instead of default settings);

Many of the special effects are on because they can actually make your 
system faster by offloading things to the GPU instead of requiring the 
CPU to handle them.  The "default" is to look at what your system is 
capable of and turn on sane settings to meet it.  If your system can't 
handle effects, it turns them off completely on first login.
If you boot into KDE for the first time and it finds you are using a low 
resolution, it switches to netbook mode and gives you a completely 
different interface that works better on low resolutions.  Of course 
like all things KDE, you can configure your system however you like and 
switch it back to desktop mode.

> I do not want image tagging, indexing, cataloging. How can I completely
> eliminate all of that (to me) nuisance garbage?
> Surely there must be some simple way to do that.

KDE 4 is built around these services, thats why they refer to KDE 4 as 
the social desktop.  If you don't use them, it best to just leave them 
alone and ignore them.  They will stay out of your way for the most part.

Brian Cluff

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