gnuradio, sdr, DAB USB dongles, and so forth?

Carruth, Rusty Rusty.Carruth at
Wed Jan 23 08:13:33 MST 2013

So, has anyone here been playing with SDR?


Specifically I am thinking of using one of those USB TV receivers (from
overseas - they work with DAB or DVB+T which isn't our standard over
here in the states) and either gnuradio or something else.


There was an article in QST (a ham radio magazine) 'recently' about it,
so I rushed out and bought one of the USB thingys and now I'm trying to
get all the pieces in the right place.  I've tried SDR#,
gnuradio-companion, and probably a few other things.  The controls for
SDR# don't seem to work for me, and also I don't seem to be able to get
the receiver and the software tied together.


Is anyone else playing with this?





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