in stalling Joomla

Brian Cluff brian at
Fri Feb 1 12:53:12 MST 2013

On 02/01/2013 12:48 PM, Michael Havens wrote:
> I'm at pre instalation checklist now. One of the issues I have with this
> section is that my outpu buffering is set to on and they recommend off.
> I think I am going to leave it as it stands now but wanted to get advise.

I believe that setting is optional, so you should be safe leaving it 
along as it won't really matter for a personal site.

> The other issue is configuration.php Writeable. After googling a little
> I figured I bette make it writable and so did.

Yup, you have to make it writable so that it can create and modify the 
config.  Later once you have everything set like you like it, you can 
safely set it to read only and that can help with security.

Brian Cluff

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