Naked PC or laptop

Carruth, Rusty Rusty.Carruth at
Thu Aug 15 09:09:04 MST 2013

Is red 7 still around?  I could have sworn that they made Linux



On Aug 14, 2013 9:32 PM, "Derek Trotter" <expat.arizonan at
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'expat.arizonan at');> >

Is there anyone who sells computers without an operating system?  Sooner
or later I'll buy another one and I don't want to pay for a Windows
license I'll never use.  Also is there anyone selling computers with
linux installed?  If so which distro?  If all else fails, I'll just buy
the parts and build one.  However that might prove difficult if I wanted
a laptop.

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