What is the most efficient way to convert a .wmv video?

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Sun Apr 7 15:57:20 MST 2013

On 04/07/2013 12:24 PM, joe at actionline.com wrote:
> But I am curious why handbrake assigned the suffix ".m4v"
> instead of .mp4 (or .mpeg)?

The handbrake people seem to prefer the m4v extension over the mp4 
extension.  There is an option in the preferences to make it prefer mp4 
over m4v.  I have to set this option myself as MythTV doesn't like the 
m4v extension... at least it didn't used to.  There is a bug in some of 
the older versions that caused that option to be ignored.

As for the mpg or mpeg extension, that usually refers to the older mpeg1 
video with mp2 audio and is actually a different container format from 

You may also want to explore using the mkv container format.  It's a 
very good container and widely supported and technically the same 
container as Google uses for it's VP8 video format.

Brian Cluff

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