new memory record for me

Steven A. DuChene linux-clusters at
Tue Sep 18 05:23:16 MST 2012

Last year I spent the summer working at the Intel benchmarking center in Dupont, WA and some of you might recall me posting about some large memory systems there with 256GB of memory. At the time that was the most memory I had personally witnessed running in a Linux server (RH6.1 to be exact). 

Well this month I am at a national weather & climate research lab in Wyoming and that memory record has been broken. Here as part of their latest research cluster purchase they have 17 large memory systems that are used for OpenGL based visualization. These systems have 1TB of main memory! Unfortunately it seems that the latest NVidia Quadro 6000 video cards have only a 39bit register for addressing memory which means there are problems when using them in systems with 512GB or more of memory.
Steven DuChene

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