gimp 2.8

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at
Thu Oct 11 12:42:03 MST 2012

Well, actually, Mike (/all), I think it goes a bit further than this.

I don't learn by rote memorization.  I could not learn to read by rote
memorization; I had to have phonix or a rule based associative way of
translation of symbols in order to read.

I learn by context.  I learn by assimilation.  I can learn by reading, but
my technical reading is done without the expectation that I will memorize
each and every thing immediately.  What I do instead is get a vague idea
and a knowledge of where I can find what another would obtain through rote

It's a complete way of seeing common to our caste.  We have transcended the
day of having to obtain a degree in a subject in order to master it.   The
sheer number of changing details is huge.

For gimp for instance, your going to want to know how to use the tools.  In
order to do this, the best way is simply by doing, don't you agree?

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at> wrote:

> Yeah. I don't like video tutoriatls either.  I want a book! The dead tree
> kind of book or at least a PDF or, as a last resort, a web page. Then comes
> the video tutorial. I find tutorials explain things once then expect you to
> know it but don't tske into consideration you might be starting the
> tutorial from episode 300 of 500.
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold at>wrote:
>> I hate tutorials!   I find if I click on everything to see what it does
>> while listening to a vid tut in the background, I can speed up the video to
>> chipmonk style and grock the $gimp fast!
>> On 11 Oct 2012 01:40, "Brian Cluff" <brian at> wrote:
>>> They left the option of multiple windows in 2.8, and by default it
>>> starts in the original multi windows mode.
>>> If you want to put it into single window mode, which I suggest you do,
>>> just go to Windows -> Single-Window Mode
>>> Brian Cluff
>>> On 10/11/2012 01:31 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
>>>> Yeah,,,,, I was thinking of doing the tutorials in decending order. And
>>>> <> is using 2.8  now so I figured
>>>> I better do the same. Funny thing though.... one of the supposed
>>>> benefits of 2.8 is that everything is in one window. I fired it up and
>>>> everything is as it was before (three windows). I guess it is a setting
>>>> or something.
>>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
>>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Brian Cluff <brian at
>>>> <mailto:brian at>> wrote:
>>>>     You might want to just skip the 2.2 and 2.4 tutorials and move to
>>>>     the tutorials for 2.6+  There are a lot less cosmetic/placement
>>>>     issues between those versions.  If you are serious about learning
>>>>     it, once you get a grasp of the basics, it will be possible to watch
>>>>     Photoshop tutorials and do the same thing in the gimp, since the
>>>>     tools are usually there and the names are usually the same or
>>>>     similar.  If not, a quick search on Google will tell you the
>>>>     equivalent GIMP name
>>>>     Brian Cluff
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