Important info about PLUG - READ THIS!

Eric Oyen eric.oyen at
Tue Nov 20 22:04:49 MST 2012


for a company to close up shop without notice usually means that either something catastrophic happened, or someone decided to give up the business.  personally, I seriously wish I had the funds to start and maintain a proper datacenter. there would be a lot of projects that I wouldn't mind undertaking just for the challenge. 


On Nov 20, 2012, at 11:41 AM, PLUG Announcements wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 10:31 AM, PLUG Announcements <plug-announce at> wrote:
> We have had to make an emergency move from the provider that was hosting PLUG with hosting services.
> The services should all be back up at a new location.  Please let me know if you find anything not behaving correctly.
> Now for the biggest change, the data center that was providing us with hosting services is also in charge of the domain.  They are currently unavailable to much of the Internet, and if things keep going like they seem to be, may be offline altogether soon.  This makes the domain that we have used for 15+ years a little too unreliable to use anymore. So, from now on please use the new domain of for the website and * for the mailing lists.  You will need to change your bookmarks and address books to reflect this. If you continue to use * I can't guaranty that your email will ever get to the mailing list.
> The whois database for .US does not seem to have a or listing:
> Hopefully this transition will go smoothly.
> We would like to thank Deru for the years of great service that they gave us at no cost.  I wish things had ended better.
> Brian Cluff
> PS if anyone knows how to get a hold of anyone at Deru, I would like to get our equipment back.
> Contact:
>  Technical Contact:
>     Communications, Deru  darin at
>     3443 N Central
>     STE 1705
>     Phoenix, AZ 85012
>     US
>     +1.4809987237    Fax: +1.4809932294
> Or from Registrar info:
> +1.6029388100
> Administrative Contact Email	darin at
> Short of that, file a mechanics lien with the State of Arizona:
> The first step to filing a mechanics lien in Arizona is to verify you're entitled to so file. This involves two primary considerations: (1) Whether you're qualified to file as per the legal statutes; and (2) Whether you protected your right to file by sending the required preliminary notice. As far as who can file a mechanics lien, the Arizona law protects nearly everyone except suppliers to suppliers. Further, while a written contract is not usually required, a written contract is required if you're furnishing to an owner-occupied residential property, and that contract must be directly with the owner. As far as protecting your rights along the way, everyone in Arizona is required to delivery a preliminary notice within 20 days of first furnishing labor or materials to a construction project.
> This is simple legal paperwork with provision to serve Deru (any of us can do this):
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