Has the plug website been down?

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Tue Nov 20 12:22:17 MST 2012

Thanks Lisa.  Wow.
This is a lot of info for my feeble mind to try to digest.
So, to begin, I'll just try to respond to selected items.

I can get to the plug website now, so just need "archives."
But I can't find any link to "archives" on the plug website now.

You wrote (in part):

> Since you didn't provide the link that was clicked on,
> we can't recreate that error to determine the issue.

Here is the link that I have always used and it has always
worked fine until the last week or so:


You also wrote:
> http://lurker.sourcearchive.com/documentation/2.1-9/render_2main_8cpp-source.html
> This could be a URL link problem or a DNS resolution issue

And I had replied:
>> when I try to go to the archives now, I see this message (in part):
>> This Connection is Untrusted

You then wrote:
> Drop to a terminal window and run these troubleshooting tools:
> slug> nslookup plug.phoenix.az.us

I don't have 'nslookup' on my system.

> slug> sudo traceroute plug.phoenix.az.us

$ traceroute6 plug.phoenix.az.us
traceroute: unknown host plug.phoenix.az.us ... (but I can get there now)

> slug> nmap -P0 plug.phoenix.az.us
> This will give you a list of open ports.
> Try to pull up the website via the IP address:

$ nmap -P0 plug.phoenix.az.us

Starting Nmap 6.01 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2012-11-20 11:31 MST
Nmap scan report for plug.phoenix.az.us (
Host is up (0.064s latency).
rDNS record for phxlinux.org
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp  open  ssh
25/tcp  open  smtp
80/tcp  open  http
443/tcp open  https

So, I'm still stuck with the question,
how can I get to the plug archives?

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