OT: computer/electronics recycling

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Sun May 20 12:15:54 MST 2012

From: AZ Pete <plug at cactusfamily.com>
> I have 2 old laptops that I'd like to get rid of and would prefer
> not to simply throw them in the trash. Is there a place I can drop
> them for recycling?  I live in North Scottsdale, 

IIRC, there's a Boy Scout troop that does a computer swap meet/computer
hardware recycling thing on the 3rd Sunday of every month.  So you just missed
it.  It's held by the 5 and Diner in the mall to the W of Indian Bend and
AZ-101, so it'd probably be easy to get to on June 17....

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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