merge documents with scp

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Sat May 5 07:06:29 MST 2012

ahhhhh heck. that was simple.

  rsync -av ~/ <user2>@address2>/home/xyz

But still.... it takes a long time to finish. Oh I get it..... I forgot to
empty my trash!

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at> wrote:

> I just thought of something the only thing different about the two is the
> last digit. say xyz1 and xyz2. Could I do something like '
>   rsync -aHv <user1>@<address1>:/home/xyz*/ /home/xy*
> <user2>@address2>/home/xyz*
> ??????????????????????????????????
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at> wrote:
>> boy am I lucky.... I didn't run out of room. okay.... I need to rsync two
>> /home directories.  The thing is the two directories are named differently
>> at the top. one is /home/x and one is /home/y I want everything under  x to
>> look like y. I looked in the man page and I thought I found something but
>> then I looked on and couldn't find it again to investigate further. I
>> thought it was in the 'running as a daemon' section but I couldn't find it
>> again.
>> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:18 AM, kitepilot at <
>> kitepilot at> wrote:
>>> how would I rsync just what has been modified?
>>> If I interpret this question as:
>>> 'how would rsync know just what has been modified?'
>>> The answer is: it depends.
>>> rsync will compare timestamps unless you use the --checksum option.
>>> RTFM...
>>> If I interpret this question as:
>>> 'how would I know just what rsync has updated?'
>>> You don't, you trust rsync.
>>> I you don't trust rsync (I don't), you can run it twice with the
>>> --checksum option (I do) or you can:
>>> ssh user at box 'cd my-path;find . -type f -exec md5sum "{}" \;|sort' >
>>> /tmp/remote.md5
>>> cd my-path;find . -type f -exec md5sum "{}" \;|sort > /tmp/local.md5
>>> sdiff -s /tmp/remote.md5 /tmp/local.md5
>>> Ang get your banana...   :)
>>> Good luck...
>>> ET
>>> PS: Free advice, you can't sue me...   :)
>>> Michael Havens writes:
>>>> thanks. this is  takling a long time..... how would I rsync just what
>>>> has
>>>> been modified?
>>>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Nathan England <nathan at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> **
>>>>> You need to use rsync
>>>>> rsync -av /path/to/localfile user at remotehost:/path/to/**remotefile
>>>>> or alternatively
>>>>> rsync -av user at remotehost:/path/to/**remotefile /path/to/localfile
>>>>> On Friday, April 27, 2012 13:46:40 Michael Havens wrote:
>>>>> thanks for the quick responses.... what I meant is like to have
>>>>> duplicate
>>>>> files on two systems and then make the files the same.
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Carruth, Rusty <
>>>>> Rusty.Carruth at smartstoragesys.**com<Rusty.Carruth at>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Fast answer:
>>>>> ssh me at foosystem ‘cat the_Remote_file’ >> localfile
>>>>> Explanation:
>>>>>                On system ‘foosystem’ (as me), cat the file.  On this
>>>>> system, append that stream of bytes to ‘localfile’.
>>>>> Should you want to ‘tail –f’ the file on ‘foosystem’, change ‘cat’ to
>>>>> ‘tail –f’.  (Or grep, or …)
>>>>> Rusty
>>>>> .
>>>>> From: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.**<plug-discuss-bounces at>[mailto:
>>>>> plug-discuss-bounces at lists.**<plug-discuss-bounces at>]
>>>>> On Behalf Of Michael Havens
>>>>> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 1:05 PM
>>>>> To: Main PLUG discussion list
>>>>> Subject: merge documents with scp
>>>>> is there a way to tell scp to add any appended text to an existing
>>>>> document? (that's called 'merge', right?)
>>>>> --
>>>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Nathan England
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> NME Computer Services
>>>>> Nathan England (nathan at
>>>>> Systems Administration / Web Application Development
>>>>> Information Security and Consulting
>>>>> (480) 559.9681
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>>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:

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