python error

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Wed Mar 21 14:03:37 MST 2012

> What is your complete /home/bmike1/.bashrc?

there is one line in my .bashrc file. it is:

[[ -s $HOME/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc ]] && source

that is all that the file has in it.

>> This is weird; look at what happened in the shell:

>>   bmike1 at Michaels-Laptop ~ $ sudo su
>>   [sudo] password for bmike1:
>>   Traceback (most recent call last):

> This is the known python virtualenv error (that we tried to fix with
> pythonbrew:
That isn't what was weird..... weird thing is it tried to mkdir when I 'su

 bmike1 at Michaels-Laptop ~ $  sudo su
 [sudo] password for bmike1:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
 ImportError: No module named virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader There was a problem running the initialization hooks.
 If Python could not import the module virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader, check
 that virtualenv has been installed for VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr
 /bin/python and that PATH is  set properly.
 Michaels-Laptop bmike1 # nano ~/.bashrc
 Michaels-Laptop bmike1 # su bmike1
  mkdir: cannot create directory `/root': Permission denied
 bmike1 at Michaels-Laptop ~ $ nano ~/.bashrc

> Did you also make sure that that /home/bmike1/.pythonbrew/etc/
> exists and is writable?
> $ ls -al /home/bmike1/.pythonbrew/etc/
> $ chmod ug+ /home/bmike1/.pythonbrew/etc/
It is there.

>> What do you mean?
> After each TEST or change of files, you would logout and log back in -
> completely to see if your shell python error was fixed?
REally? No, that isn't something I've been doing. Thanks for tellikng me.
Nope still get the error.
Is it cool to login/out  from tty (I don't want to lose all of the stuff on
my desktop).
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