Looking for Streaming Media Software Recommendations

Nadim Hoque nadimhoque at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 12:57:35 MST 2012

For that setup i used mediatomb. It is a ver simple program that says it
can do transcoding but I was unable to do it. I think debian has it in the
repos, but if not pretty easy to compile. One it is set up and the config
file has the correct info in regards to databases (it can us mysql or sqlit
as the back end) the the rest is through a web interface.

Nadim Hoque
From: Mark Phillips
Sent: 6/22/2012 12:24
To: Phoenix Linux Users
Subject: Looking for Streaming Media Software Recommendations

I have a underused Debian headless server, a network enabled DLNA TV,
so.....why not stream some movies to this TV? I am looking for
recommendations for a streaming media server that will run on a headless
Debian server.


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