An introduction and RFC on education path.

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at
Sat Jun 16 16:07:59 MST 2012

Hi Ken,

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Kenn <parabellum7 at> wrote:

> Greetings fellow Linux fans!
> Hi, my name is Ken, I'm a recovering Windows user. ;] After experimenting
> with several distros over the years I settled on Ubuntu for my  typical day
> to day stuff, file & print sharing etc. I use a few amateur radio apps like
> fldigi and Gnome Predict sat tracking. When Shotwell or Gimp isn't enough I
> use Photoshop 7 through Wine. I've done some experimenting with VirtualBox
> as well. I want to be more in the know on command lines, scripting, small
> networks and servers, administration and security, running the occasional
> Windows apps, etc. Paths I'm considering are:
> 1. Self teach. This approach usually works well for me. I do best at my
> own pace and still find a good textbook(s) the key to getting started.
> Experimenting and Google are my friends. I haven't found a Linux book I
> really like so far, any recommends?

Great!  This is the #1 requirement!

Public Library:  Burton Barr Downtown Library 5th Floor tech section.
PLUG presentations and groups:  See
Twitter:  Command line fu groups, linux gazette, other linux sources and

> 2. Community college. My concern is how many times I've entered a program
> only to find the more advanced classes weren't offered later. Cost and
> distance are a factor as I live in Fountain Hills.

No need to go to school unless you want a certification or cannot learn
with self paced learning and books.

> 3. Online classes. Does anyone offer these that are worthwhile?

I like the free offerings, the security sessions and of course Foss Weekly
and Hak5.
You have to find your own knowledge, half the learning is in the search?

> 4. Private schools. Probably very expensive and intense?
Again, unless you want to WORK in linux and need a certificate or a degree,
this is only good for meeting geeks and prospective partners.

> So what do you gurus recommend? If I go for some Linux certs, what
> institution should I get those from? Are there many employment opps for a
> Linux Cert holder in Phoenix Metro?

RHEL ---> Take one of the preparation facttracks (5 days about 3,000 -
which teaches you to take the test).  You might be able to get a grant for
most schools.

> Thanks for your input,
> -Ken
> Nice to meet you!

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