Hackfest Next Saturday 3PM-6PM MakerBench - Presentation: Money, BitCoin and P2P Networking

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Sun Jun 3 14:25:54 MST 2012

We will be meeting at MakerBench in Tempe as usual next Saturday the 9th
for a Presentation on Virtual Monies, BitCoin exploits, P2P protocols,
Skype networking and exploits and a general discussion of other distributed
networking protocols as they relate to Linux Security.

See you at 3PM.


July's Hackfest will move to Heatsynclabs in Mesa and include classes on
Linux privacy put together by JJZeidner.

Stay tuned for the schedule for those great training event(s).

(503) 754-4452 Android
(623) 239-3392 Skype
(623) 688-3392 Google Voice
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