Looking for Router Suggestions

Derek Trotter expat.arizonan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 19:28:12 MST 2012

On 7/6/2012 18:05, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Eric,
> I agree with all that you wrote. However,
> * I don't have a spare P3
> * I have some old laptops, but no dual nic ones
> * I don't have space in my cable shelf to anything bigger than my 
> current BEFSX41 firewall/router
> * The shelf is up high in a rather warm room and the 2 switches, and 
> it gets a little toasty in there in the summer.
> A real computer is the best technical solution, but not feasible in my 
> set up.
> Thanks for the idea!
> Mark

The warmth of the room isn't of primary importance if you're cooling the 
computer with LN2.


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