flv - mp3

Andrew Harris tuna at supertunaman.com
Sat Aug 18 14:41:24 MST 2012

There's a good chance that the audio stream in the flv is already
encoded as MP3. If you have mplayer, try this:

mplayer --dumpaudio video.flv --dumpfile audio.mp3

Then do this:

file audio.mp3

It doesn't come back with something like "OH YAH THAT'S TOTES AN MP3,
BRO", then you can use ffmpeg like this (the reason I didn't suggest
it initially is because this will reencode the audio stream, resulting
in a lower quality rip).

ffmpeg -i video.flv audio.mp3

source: personal experience, googled "ffmpeg rip audio from flv"

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I know that I need to use ffmpeg to convert the files but I can't figure it
> out with the man page. ANy one willing to help to help?
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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