Ubuntu 12.04 and unity.

Michael Butash michael at butash.net
Thu Apr 12 08:52:39 MST 2012

I wish that were the case for me - gnome3 won't even launch with 
multiple framebuffers requiring me to drop to a tty and restart lightdm 
to choose something else.  Cinnamon is broken on the same display as 
well.  Sadly with the "new desktops", unity works the best, which isn't 
saying much in the least.  It's like 2005 all over again, hacking 
entirely around ui short-sightedness.

At this point the only thing gnome-ish left I can use is gedit and 
gnome-terminal, even nautilus is still broken on multiple displays. 
Other than that, avant-window-navigator and cairo-dock provide all my 
task and tray management.


On 04/11/2012 09:56 PM, Stephen wrote:
> Well while i may hate unity, getting gnome2/3 working is a cakewalk
> now. install the one you want. logout and pick the one you want.
> you do end up wasting space with unity still installed, but at least it works.

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