OT: newegg alternatives

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Nov 14 08:55:10 MST 2011

> On Nov 13, 2011 9:53 PM, "der.hans" <PLUGd at lufthans.com> wrote:
>> I first heard of newegg via PLUG many years ago. I've been mostly happy
>> with company, but I'm tired of not being able to navigate the site without
>> enabling javascript.

AFAICT, JS is pretty much *required* for large parts of the WWW as it
currently exists.  Blame this on the marketing people ("We want to track
*everything*!") and people who want to do all kinds of Cool Web 2.0 Things
even when they're not useful.  I have to turn JS on for my phone company's
site to pay my phone bill.  My bank's site is just as bad; no JS, no accounts

>> TigerDirect is out because of spammy messenging.
From: Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com>
> I don't know about JavaScript, but have you tried mwave?

If you buy anything from mwave, they'll put you on a mailing list, and you'll
get spam every few days.  At least it's reasonably easy to unsubscribe.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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