PHP preg_match question

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Wed Jul 20 20:34:15 MST 2011


I have an input string that should only be lower or upper alphas, numbers and can contain a hyphen.  

I'm trying to figure out how to get PHP preg_match to verify the input string only contains these chars.

I tried some thing like this and it always returns true if I have one or more of the specified chars, even if I have a char that is not specified.

I need a true for any string that contains Alphas and/or numbers and/or one or more hyphens.  I need it to return if the string contains anything else.

preg_match("/[a-z0-9\+\-]/", $vaidateStr) 

I do not need to use preg_match, I'm looking for a simple solution.

Any pointers are much appreciated. 


Keith Smith
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