Extended Attributes
Matt Graham
danceswithcrows at usa.net
Thu Jul 7 18:29:35 MST 2011
From: Dazed_75 <lthielster at gmail.com>
> Just for grins though, I'd still like to find something that shows the
> positional usage for the output from lsattr. Perhaps there is a clue in
> that man chattr shows 18 attributes and lsattr shows 19 (by my count)
> positions in the attr list.
According to e2fsprogs-1.41.12 source, in lib/e2p/pf.c , it's
"s", "Secure_Deletion"
"u" , "Undelete"
"S", "Synchronous_Updates"
"D", "Synchronous_Directory_Updates"
"i", "Immutable"
"a", "Append_Only"
"d", "No_Dump"
"A", "No_Atime"
"c", "Compression_Requested"
"B", "Compressed_File"
"Z", "Compressed_Dirty_File"
"X", "Compression_Raw_Access"
"E", "Compression_Error"
"j", "Journaled_Data"
"I", "Indexed_directory"
"t", "No_Tailmerging"
"T", "Top_of_Directory_Hierarchies"
"e", "Extents"
"h", "Huge_file"
...which is 19, but I don't think all of these are used. The compression,
secure deletion, and undelete attrs have "these things are currently not
really implemented" warnings on them in the official documentation and so
Matt G / Dances With Crows
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