text-level semantics and the blind?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Fri Jan 28 10:27:39 MST 2011

From: Alex Dean <alex at crackpot.org>
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Technomage Hawke wrote:
>> now you begin to see some of the problems I experience on some
>> sites right now. html5 is going to make things at least 1 order of
>> magnitude worse.
> Are there particular aspects of HTML 5 which are problematic?

<video>, certainly, but that's probably not what he meant.  If doing
complicated layout things with HTML 5 and CSS 3 becomes easier, more people
will do them.  Complicated layouts probably won't be anywhere near coherent to
blind folks if they're not designed well.  Also, most of my notes on HTML 5
here have something about "JS required to use this new feature", and I'd guess
that JS and screen readers could interact in stupid and non-useful ways.

I'm just waiting for someone to use <canvas> and JS to re-implement the
<blink> tag.  Oh, the aesthetic horribleness!

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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