Tonight's presentation on accessibility

Tim Chase plugaz at
Fri Feb 11 09:15:01 MST 2011

On 02/11/2011 09:47 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Darrell Schandro recorded it on his Olympus DS50 last evening
> and will post it as an audio podcast on the blind access
> journal blog and podcast.  I dunno just when he'll get the
> editing done or any trimming necessary but go to
> and stay tuned.

Awesome -- thanks to both you for the material and Darrell for 
the recording & publishing.

> I hope I didn't ramble to much here.

Far from it, it sounds like you had an enthralled audience and 
managed to lure in out-of-state folks like myself in the process.

Even unedited, I'd be more than content to sit through 2hr of 
Darrell's video/audio dump when it appears.  It might be worth 
updating the PLUGAZ page to which LXer linked, providing a 
pointer to the presentation recording/notes as you got much wider 
net coverage and I'm sure others would want to catch it.

Thanks again,


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