LinkedIn Connect Request

Robert N. Eaton Motheaton28 at
Thu Feb 3 02:39:26 MST 2011

On 2/3/2011 12:49 AM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 09:27:32PM -0700, Technomage Hawke wrote:
>> hey, watch out for the warple bunny.<smile>  and let us not forget to count only to three before throwing the holy hand grenade of Antioch.  man I still love that show. I wish they still showed it on American TV.
> They do, on satellite tv (directv). Just watched it for the umpteenth time
> last week.
I missed something. Is this a reference to some obscure Monty Python 
episode. I own what purports to be the entire series on DVD, but don't 
make a clear connection. The reference to the "warple bunny" is 
hauntingly familiar. Or... maybe I was thinking of the "vorpal sword" of 
Jabberwocky fame.


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