PLUG Christmas party this Thursday
Technomage Hawke
technomage.hawke at
Thu Dec 8 09:58:02 MST 2011
is that question directed my way? I am wondering as the direction of the statement is unclear.
On Dec 8, 2011, at 7:09 AM, Stephen wrote:
> you had to make it tonight....
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Technomage Hawke
> <technomage.hawke at> wrote:
>> I did remember asking if I could bum a ride to this earlier this month (as well as late last month) only to not get any responses at all.
>> I am not trying to be a "whiney blind person" or even attempt to be demanding (which I am not). I hope that someone will read this and realize that I am still interested in going.
>> -eric
>> phone: 623-399-5635
>> On Dec 7, 2011, at 10:49 PM, PLUG Announcements wrote:
>>> It's that time again when out usual PLUG meeting is set suspended in favor of our Christmas party.
>>> We will meet at the usual time and the usual place:
>>> The party is pot luck party. Bring whatever you think will be enjoyed by all.
>>> Can't bring anything... come anyway. The more the merrier, we won't hold it against you.
>>> Cups, napkins, plates or utensils are usually in short supply, so you should keep that in mind when you decide what you bring.
>>> I'll see you there,
>>> Brian Cluff
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> --
> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
> rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
> Stephen
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