CTF October 2, 2010 - Preliminary Plan

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Mon Sep 20 15:35:11 MST 2010

We can expect to hear an ongoing political whine from hackfesters who
believe competition should be limited for Admin team roles, where access to
CTF physical boxes, keys, VLAN, configuration insider info/passwords, and
required backup forensics to verify "signoff" all captured flags, however
since Harold Wong ISTHE FLAG this levels the playing field, allowing all to

The remaining four PLUG contributed flags will be limited from Lisa Kachold,
who will "man" forensics . Anyone wishing to assist to backup forensics or
validation of each must bow out of open CTF competiton.

Other hackfesters who bring Flags, will be limited from using those systems
to further their capture rankings.  Hackfesters who bring flags, must agree
to use the IDS systems or swiftly build clone validate.
Space is available for storage, from month to month, but LiveDVD LiveCD

PLUG Protection:
Any fester who is not himself a flag, may petition for various levels of
protection from PLUG forensics/Admin as protection against being incorrectly
targeted.  Later during full-on open forensics fests protecton will be
null.  Teenzy protection quick hack tools include Cfengine/Puppet over USB

Operating System Flags accepted include:

MAC OS X, Solaris 10, OpenSolaris, (free/net/open), CheckPoint-FW, Unix,
Axis Cam Linux, Windows, NetGear, iPhone, Android, BlueTooth, Wifi, Ethernet
(all Alan Cox deriviatives)

It is expected that everyone will either remaster a Security Distro like
DVL, Samari, Knoppix STD, etc. but we

*Current Roles*:

L. Kachold - Administrator
S. Kaplan - DOG*

*Open Roles - Signup Limitations and terms to be determined - on Signup
Foresics Team Lead [See role based signup]
BackUp Administrator [Trust me this is hardly any work.....] One per month -
Pending Release of Festing Web System/Scheduler
CarPoolers [Special extortion classes for gas money available from Kitten]
JukeBox [Platter spinner to make BT4 R1 media/pendrive/more...]

This is an assigned role.  Unlike all our myths you CAN teach an OLD DOG,
new tricks. Dog will eat scraps, Dog always gets the best chair. Current Dog
was Unix content expert for 11 years at IBM.  Loving the chase; when Dog
growls all better listen.  Dog spelled backwards is gOD.  PLUG Security
Certification is also called:
DOG = special PLUG Linux Security Team Certification, suggested as an
industry add on for Corporate Industry Auditors.

This is an assigned role that denotes social engineering experts, under 21
who grace us with a lesson a couple times a year.  Might seem obvious, but
since there is really no patch for human stupidity,

* = assigned roles

Web Site Project Management Release Date = September 27, 2010.
Phoenix Linux Security Team <http://plug.phoenix.az.us/gangplank>
Saturday October 02, 2010, 12:00PM - 15:00PM
October Hackfest<http://events.linkedin.com/Phoenix-Linux-Users-Group-Security-Team/pub/425387>@
CTF FLAG#1(of 5) =  Guest Harold Wong
http://blogs.technet.com/b/haroldwong/from Microsoft
Join PLUG-Security
<http://lists.plug.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-security>Email List
to share Announcements, Carpool Info, SecInfo |more
*"Great things are not done by impulse but a series of small things brought
together." -Van Gogh*
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