what is nagios 'SECURITY information'?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Nov 29 13:06:10 MST 2010

From: Alex Dean <alex at crackpot.org>
> I have Nagios running on a local server, and I occasionally
> get some emails from it with the subject "*** SECURITY
> information for <hostname>***".  The body of the message is
> just a few characters.  I've done some searching in my
> Nagios logs and online, and I have no idea what these emails
> are or what they mean.

> The Nagios I'm using is from Ubuntu 9.10.  I'm using only a
> very few HTTP, ssh, & ping monitors.  Nothing complex at all.
> alex at artichoke:~$ cat /etc/issue
> Ubuntu 9.10 \n \l
> alex at artichoke:~$ dpkg --list | grep nagios
> ii  nagios-plugins 
> ii  nagios-plugins-basic
> ii  nagios-plugins-standard
> ii  nagios3
> ii  nagios3-common
> ii  nagios3-doc

> I'll paste in 1 example email, including all the headers.

> To: root at artichoke.dean
> From: nagios at artichoke.dean
> Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
> Subject: *** SECURITY information for artichoke ***
> Message-Id: <20101129032959.654D6212C9 at artichoke.dean>
> Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 21:29:59 -0600 (CST)

Hm.  The string "SECURITY" doesn't show up in the context of an email subject
like that in the vanilla source tarball for nagios 3.0.6 or nagios-plugins
1.4.13.  I wonder whether they put in some sort of patch, or the
nagios-plugins-basic or nagios-plugins-standard packages include something I
don't have here.  If you plonk your nagios config files somewhere up on the
web, I'm sure somebody will take a look at it and maybe find something I'm not

But I'm a tad confused by this.  Does it send a mail like that every minute? 
Every notification_interval minutes?  We've got most of our
notification_interval settings at 60, which may be too often, but it does let
us know over and over again when $MACHINE has only 5% of its disk space left.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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