How to record a screencast

Brian Cluff brian at
Fri May 21 00:07:53 MST 2010

avidemux is good at what it does, but it's not a multi layer video 
editor that would allow you to switch back and forth between 2 long 
video streams.  It can concatenate many video streams together, slice 
and dice a single video stream, and encode them to a number of different 
formats, but not too much more than that.  I mostly use it to re-encode 
videos and to chop out things like commercials, and edit the beginning 
and end of videos.

You could use it to cut your video into a whole bunch of individual 
segments and then use it to put the segments back together, but your 
probably better off just using a video editor that can handle multiple 
layers at once, like openshot

Brian Cluff

On 05/20/2010 06:46 PM, Bryan O'Neal wrote:
> Can you edit the video with avidemux? Because I would, by nature of the
> beast, be working on more then one machine and would need to cut and
> past sections of video into each other for a clear presentation.

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